Pesticide-free lawns - the future in lawn maintenance?
Pesticides (herbicides, fungicides and insecticides) have been developed to selectively combat diseases, unwanted grasses, herbs and pests. However, they often have a negative impact on beneficials. For example, insecticides not only decimate greenflies, but also harm honey- and wild bees.
Pesticides are primarily responsible for the loss of our biodiversity, which is progressing dramatically. Even for humans, pesticides are not safe. Many of the drugs are suspected of causing cancer, malformations and gene defects in newborns as well as chronic diseases, such as Parkinson.
At the same time unwanted resistances arise due to the few resources still available as well as their often-necessary frequent use. A pesticide-free maintenance of lawns protects humans, groundwater, soil life, insects and wildlife.
It promotes ecological diversity and favors the self-healing powers of grasses, which sustainably strengthens them. More and more pesticide-free lawns are already being created - either voluntarily or sometimes by legal requirements.
On which lawns is pesticide-free maintenance possible?
Basically, an ecological and thus pesticide-free maintenance is on all lawns possible. Prerequisite is a prior monitoring of the site, especially the grasses and the soil.
After the comprehensive analysis, the necessary preparatory work then takes place. Among other things, it may be important to improve the quality of the soil or to select the right grasses.
Thereafter, your ecologically meaningful and pesticide-free maintenance can start.
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Contact me
Norbert Lischka -
"The Turf Fox"
Address: Brünschentwiete 60c 22559 Hamburg
Phone: +49 177 / 3 33 03 56